1 ) When did you start writing
and how did you come up with the name BOOZE.
In 1978 with SIK one in Staten island, its kind
of sad how I came up with Booze, SIK's mom and the women I lived with were
alcoholics so I started writing Booze.

2 ) Where are you
from and who were the writers that inspired you.
I'm originally from Brooklyn. I was in foster care a lot and homeless a lot.
then I moved to Staten island and then to Manhattan for good. well cats like BASIC
5, RIN TD, BENO (rip) , COS 207, SAGE
1 / BIL ROCK 161 , TKID 170,
I had a lot of people who inspired me.
3 ) Could you tell us
about the first time you went bombing.
First time was in Staten island with the original TVS squad and the destroyers TD,
but the first time all of us went bombing for real was with SHOCK 123,
TKID 170, VANDAL, COS 207, KEL 139 , KID PANAMA (rip) and then to the
Ghost yard.

4 ) Who were your first
real partner.
Well SIK 1 was my first partner then kind of RIN 1 was and
BASIC 5, but I did most of
my best work with T-KID 170, and all my bombing partners later were
and the whole crew.

5 )
What yards or lay up did you hit the most and why.
In the beginning it was the ghost yard and one tunnel. later on my own it was
the D yard and city hall. as you know RTW OWNED city hall and the lay up was
sweet. me and TKID 170 did all our burners in the ghost yard or the one

6) What writing groups
were you down with back then.
TVS, TNB, TD, RTW, WOW, IND'S, ROC, DBL and so on.

7) What year would you say
was your best year as a writer.
Well 1981-1984 with TKID 170 on the 1 line. But I did get up on the M's,
J's, B's, D's and RR's with Min and the WOW crew.

8) Could you tell us the
train lines you hit back in the day. RR's, N's, E's and F's, the D LINE, CC's, M's, B's everything we hit it

JULY aka BOE and BR aka BOOZER 1984.
9)Would you have any
raid stories to share with us?
Well the only raid stories I have is when me and PADE beat BABY ROCK's ass from the
Ball Busters cause RIN ONE told us to and 10 minutes later they came down to the
tunnel with like 100 dudes. they caught me, COS 207 and BIL ROCK and a few others
and beat our fucking asses..
10) You were down with two
of the most feared crews, RTW and TVS. When did you get down with them and can
you tells us some of your experiences with them.

I was down with them
2 crews from the beginning, BILROCK 161 put me down with RTW ,
I loved them dudes, we all just use to get high and go bombing those were great
times. TVS was a real wild crew RIN 1 put me down, we use to do some serious
shit not related to writing if you know what I mean.. I just felt invincible
with both them crews. I love all of them.
11) When was the last time
you went hitting and why did you quit.
Shit I think in 1986 was the last time I quit cause I had to get my shit
together and all the crews were falling apart. Like cats in jail and dieing and
shit. I had to get my shit together and start living my life as a man.
12) any closing words.
thanks for recognizing me. I don’t regret anything I did. I just want to shout
out min, BOE ,RICH 2, SAGO, BASIC 5, SIK 1, SAINT 5, KEL 1st , MARE, PADE,
PG 3 (rip) , SHY 147(rip) BILROCK, REVOLT, ZEPHYR, RASTA, BENO (rip), SMILEY (rip) ,TKID
sorry if I forgot anyone and to all the true old school writers.
thanks Subwayoutlaws . one love...

any one have any of
BOOZER's work, please contact us at
Interview written and conducted 11/23/03. Photo credits go to BOOZER,
T-KID 170 and the team at Subway Outlaws.